TWIA Committee Recommends Board Set $5.2 Billion Probable Maximum Loss for 2023 Storm Season

The Texas Windstorm Insurance Association’s Actuarial & Underwriting Committee met on January 11 and voted to recommend the TWIA Board establish $5.2 billion as the Association’s 1:100 probable maximum loss (PML) for the 2023 storm season. The 1:100 PML specifies the minimum amount of reinsurance needed to meet the Association’s statutory funding obligations.

The Committee considered catastrophe model results presented by Aon, TWIA’s catastrophe modeling vendor, before making its decision. The Committee voted to recommend the TWIA Board take the average of two different catastrophe models, AIR and RMS, use the model results based on long-term assumptions, and include loss adjustment expenses in determining the 1:100 PML for this year’s storm season.

The Committee is expected to present its recommendations to the TWIA Board when it meets on January 19 to determine the Association’s statutorily required 1:100 PML for the 2023 storm season.

Members of the media with questions about the Committee meeting, please email

The meeting materials and archived recording for the Committee meeting are available on our Archived Meetings page.