TWIA Committee Meets to Plan Report to Texas Legislature 

The TWIA Board’s Legislative & External Affairs Committee met on May 21 to plan the Association’s Biennial Report to the Texas Legislature. 

The Committee reviewed material from Association staff and provided direction on proposals to be included in a draft report to the Board for further consideration. The Committee also requested that staff provide additional information on some topics for consideration at a future Committee meeting, including options to modify the requirement related to the appointment of judges presiding over cases of litigated TWIA claims and potential statutory changes to allow the Association to pay claims from non-catastrophe years with premium and other revenue earned in a subsequent year.  

The Biennial Report must be submitted to the Texas Legislature, the Insurance Commissioner, and the Sunset Advisory Commission in the year before a legislative session. By statute, the report must include: 

  • Any proposed changes in the laws relating to the regulation of TWIA, 
  • A statement of the reasons for the changes, and 
  • Any information regarding TWIA operations or procedures that is requested by the Texas Department of Insurance to be addressed in the report. 

The most recent TWIA Biennial Report was published in 2022.

Members of the media with questions about the Committee meeting, please email

The meeting materials and archived recording for the Committee meeting are available on our Meeting Library page.