TWIA’s 2019 Rate Adequacy Analysis, posted pursuant to Sec. 2210.3511, Texas Insurance Code, consists of the following documents:
- Cover Letter [Cover Letter 2019.pdf]
- Rate Adequacy Presentation to the Board [Board Presentation 2019.pdf]
- A summary of the hurricane model input assumptions [Assumptions 2019.pdf]
- A memorandum describing the TWIA Residential Rate Adequacy Analysis, including a discussion of actuarial methodologies and conclusions [Residential Memo 2019.pdf]
- Residential Rate Indication Exhibits [Residential Exhibit 2019.xlsx]
- A memorandum describing the Commercial Rate Adequacy Analysis, including a discussion of actuarial methodologies and conclusions [Commercial Memo 2019.pdf]
- Commercial Rate Indication Exhibits [Commercial Exhibit 2019.xlsx]
- Model Output provided by modelers:
- AIR Average Annual Loss by County [County Loss AIR 2019.xlsx] [County Loss AIR 2019.pdf]
- RMS Average Annual Loss by County [County Loss RMS 2019.xlsx] [County Loss RMS 2019.pdf]
Originally published on July 22, 2019.