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Your Role in the Process

With depopulation, agents have the opportunity to assist policyholders in reviewing offers and transferring policies from TWIA to a new insurer. Based on the company requirements for participating in the Assumption Reinsurance Depopulation Program, agents should know that:

  • Offers must be made through the current agent of record of the policy, and executed under the prevailing terms, conditions, and commissions of the agent.
  • With the Assumption Reinsurance Depopulation Program, policyholders can determine whether to remain with TWIA or transfer to the new carrier from when they receive notice of offers December 1 of the program year until the assumption date the following June 1.
  • Policyholders can return to TWIA at any time. TWIA’s general eligibility requirements, including Certificates of Compliance (WPI-8s), will apply.

Company requirements and protections differ with the Voluntary Market Depopulation Program, which allows company to make offers at policy renewal.

Please click here to view all TWIA agent communications regarding depopulation.

Agents, please direct all inquiries to

Frequently Asked Questions

Agent Training

Due to system maintenance, the Agent and Policyholder Portals will be unavailable Saturday, December 21, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Click here to view all scheduled maintenance.

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