Written Public Comments for July 21 TWIA Actuarial & Underwriting Committee Meeting
Published on: July 27, 2021At its July 21 meeting, TWIA’s Actuarial & Underwriting Committee reviewed the Rate Adequacy Analysis prepared by the Association’s actuarial staff. The Committee voted to recommend that the TWIA Board of Directors vote to make a rate filing to increase rates by 5% for residential and commercial policies.
In making their decision, the Committee also considered both written and in-person testimony from the public. In the interest of transparency and consistent with prior practice, we have posted the written public comments received for the July 21 Committee meeting. Certain personally identifiable information, such as names and contact information, has been redacted to protect the privacy of those individuals, some of whom may be TWIA policyholders.
The TWIA Board will meet virtually to consider the Committee’s recommendation on August 3, 2021.
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